ADA Policy for Beyond the Borders, RT Rural Transit and Around the Sound
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. The ADA is
civil rights legislation which requires that persons with disabilities receive transportation services
equal to those available on the fixed route service.
It is the policy of Pierce County Human Services and ATS Trans LLC that, when viewed in their
entirety, services, programs, facilities, and communications provided by ATS Trans LLC directly
or by a contracted service provider, are readily accessible and usable to individuals with
disabilities to the maximum extent possible. 49 CFR 37.105
1. Fare
Fare for Beyond the Borders is as follows:
● Fare Free System
2. Holiday Closures
ATS Trans LLC will run on a limited schedule on the following nationally recognized holidays:
New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
3. Approved Equipment
Passengers will be transported provided the lift and vehicle can physically accommodate them,
unless doings so is inconsistent with legitimate safety requirements (e.g. the combined weight of
the wheelchair/occupant exceeds that of the lift specifications. Additionally, ATS Trans LLC can
accommodate mobility devices that meet following minimum standards:
● Wheelchair means a mobility aid belonging to any class of three or more wheels,
usable indoors, designed or modified for and use by individuals with mobility
impairments, whether manually operated or powered
● Walkers must be collapsible and able to be stored between seats or in the vehicle’s trunk.
● The mobility device must be in good working order; with batteries charged, tires inflated,
and all parts secure. (49 CFR 37.3)
4. Mobility Device Brakes
When occupying a lift or securement area, it is recommended that passengers apply the brakes
on their mobility devices; however, they are not required to do so. With power chairs or scooters,
it is recommended that the power switch be turned to the “off” position. Again, this is not
5. Portable Oxygen Use
Individuals with disabilities who use portable oxygen devices are allowed to travel with
respirators and properly secured portable oxygen supplies. Oxygen supplies must not obstruct the
aisle. (49 CFR 37.167(h))
6. Securement Policy
Operators will use front and rear tie-downs to secure mobility devices. Operators will secure
mobility devices at the strongest parts of the device; however, the passenger can indicate the
most optimal tie-down spot. The mobility device will be secured front facing unless otherwise
requested by the passenger. Drivers will assist passengers with securement systems, ramps, and
seatbelts; however, drivers cannot assist riders using power chairs or scooters with the operation
of their equipment. ATS Trans LLC cannot refuse to transport someone whose mobility device
cannot be satisfactorily restrained provided that mobility device fits within the definition
described in Section 3. (49 CFR 37.165)
7. Stop Announcements
Stops at major intersections, transfer points, and destination points will be announced on
fixed route buses. Transit operators will announce other stops upon request. (49 CFR 37.167
8. Personal Care Attendants
A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) may ride with you at no charge. A PCA is someone who
travels with, and helps, a rider who is not able to travel alone. You must provide your own PCA
if you need one. Please let us know on your application form whether or not you will be using a
PCA. We require this information so in the event of an emergency we have on record required
documentation. PCA’s and escorts and guests can rider for free without exception. This
information will guarantee a place for him or her to ride with you. Guests and companions may
ride with you on ATS Trans LLC. Guests and companions are not required to pay a fare. A
companion is anyone who rides with you who is not designated as your PCA. (49 CFR 37 (d))
9. Service Animals
A service animal is any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to work or
perform tasks for an individual with a disability. In order to ride ATS Trans LLC,
● The animal must be on a leash, tether or harness unless use of such a device would
interfere with the task the service animal performs, or the person’s disability prevents use
of such devices.
● The service animal must remain under control of the owner and behave appropriately
at all time.
● Birds, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, and cats must be kept in an
enclosed carrier/container.
● The animal must remain at your feet or on your lap. It may not sit on a vehicle seat.
● The animal must not be aggressive toward people or other animals. (49 CFR 37.167 (d))
10. Boarding Assistance
Operators shall position the bus to make boarding and de-boarding as easy as possible for
everyone, minimize the slope of the ramp, and use the kneeling option as needed. Bus operators
shall provide assistance to passengers upon request. Passengers with disabilities shall be
allowed adequate time to board and disembark the vehicle.
11. Maintenance of Lifts or Ramps
Bus operators must test the lift or ramp during the pre-trip inspection. Break down of
accessibility equipment must be reported immediately to dispatch. A vehicle with an inoperable
lift or ramp must be removed from service as soon as possible and cannot be returned to service
until repaired. If there is a lift or ramp failure, a replacement vehicle must be dispatched if the
next trip to the destination of any passenger using a mobility device is scheduled in more than
30 minutes. If the next trip to the destination of any passenger using a mobility device is
scheduled in 30 minutes or less, a replacement vehicle may be dispatched if available. (49.CFR
12. Priority Seating
Upon request, bus operators shall ask – but not require – passengers to yield priority seating
at the front of the bus to seniors and persons with disabilities. Drivers are not required to
enforce the priority seating designation beyond making such a request.
13. Reserved Seating
Mobility device securement areas on buses are reserved. Passengers using common mobility
aids shall be boarded if the securement areas are not otherwise occupied by a mobility device,
regardless of the number of passengers on the bus. Bus operators are required to ask passengers
sitting in the securement areas to move to other available seats or to stand.
14. Suspension of Service
A rider’s privileges may be suspended for any of the following infractions on any Beyond the
Borders or ATS Trans property, including vehicles, bus stops, or stations:
● Smoking or carrying a lit pipe, cigar, or cigarette (unless in a designated smoking area).
● Discarding or dumping litter in places other than the recognized receptacles.
● Consuming alcoholic beverages or in procession of alcoholic beverages.
● Loud, raucous, unruly, harmful, or harassing behavior.
● Possessing an unissued transfer.
● Engaging in other conduct that is inconsistent with the intended purpose of the
transit facility, station, or vehicle. (RCW 9.91.025)
15. Notification of Policy
ATS Trans LLC will notify the public of the ADA policy on the website and in the rider’s guide.
Passengers needing to submit a concern about ADA service can access the comment section here and this will record the trip as an BTB ADA
16. Paratransit
Fixed Route services provided by BTB are deviated fixed route services and by initiating a call to
dispatcher the service will deviate ¾ quarter of a mile of either side of the fixed service to
provide demand like transportation.
Demand service is available in other parts of the county that fall outside of the ¾ mile limit as
described in the following text.
a. Eligibility Requirements: A person may access ATS Trans LLC if you have a
disability or disabling health condition that prevents you from independently
using our buses some or all of the time. 49 CFR 37.123
Presence of a disability or a disabling health condition by itself does not automatically
make a person eligible for paratransit service. The ability to ride our buses is the basis for
Applications will be reviewed by ATS Trans LLC based on the following eligibility
qualifications. You are eligible for ATS Trans LLC service if you:
● are unable to board, ride, or exit a lift-equipped bus without assistance,
● need to use a lift but it cannot be deployed safely at your bus stop,
● have a disability that prevents travel to and from your bus stop under certain
● are certified to use ATS Trans LLC .
ATS Trans LLC will respond to applicants in writing within 14 days of receiving the
application. If the applicant does not receive an answer within 21 days, the applicant
shall be treated as eligible and provided services until an answer is received.
b. Categories of Eligibility: ATS Trans LLC applicant's eligibility may be classified as
conditional, unconditional, or temporary. These categories are defined and mandated
by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulation.
Description Type of eligibility
Category 1
A person with a disability who cannot independently ride transit
Category 2
Prevented by disability or combination of disability and architectural barriers from getting to the boarding area
Category 3
Prevented from using fixed route during a certain amount of time
c. Service Area: ATS Trans LLC service is provided within 1 of a mile of Pierce County
BTB fixed-route service, except for commuter routes. 49 CFR 37.131 (a)
d. Origin to Destination Service: Based on the functional ability of the rider at the time
of application, the driver will provide one of the following types of trips 49.CFR
Trip Type
Curb to Curb
Customer taken from curb of pickup to curb of destination
Door to Door
Customer taken from door of pickup point to door of destination
Door Though Door
Customer taken from point of pickup into the door of the destination
e. Trip Scheduling: Paratransit trips can be scheduled between the hours of 9:00 am and
4:00 pm at least the day before the trip. No trip reservations will be accepted the day
of the trip. Rides will be curb-to-curb unless previously arranged
f. Trip Cancelation: Paratransit trips must be canceled 24 hours in advance.
g. Missed/ Late Cancels: After two missed trips the customer will receive a warning
letter. Upon the fourth missed trip the customer will receive a phone call. Upon the
fifth missed trip the customer can be suspended from service for up to 6 months.
h. Trips Denials: ATS Trans LLC will count all denials for service. One denial of a
multi-legged trip will count as a denial for each leg of the trip.
i. Paratransit Hours: ATS Trans LLC operates the same hours as the ATS Trans fixed
route system
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.
17. Visitor Certification
Visitors are eligible for 21 days of service in a 365-day period beginning on the first day the
service is used by the visitor. For additional days of service, the individual is expected to
register under ATS Trans LLC eligibility procedures. For individuals who reside outside the
service jurisdictions, BTB shall certify an individual with a disability as a visitor when
providing documentation of residence and a statement that because of their disability they are
unable to access the fixed route. (49 CFR 37.121)
18. Comment Process
ATS Trans LLC is committed to providing safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options
for the community. ATS Trans LLC and Pierce County Beyond the Borders have established a
Customer Complaint Policy and customers wishing to file a comment and/or obtain a copy of
the Customer Complaint Policy may contact ATS Trans LLC at (253 )858-7088, or in person at
ATS Trans LLC’s administration office or request the ADA Coordinator or Human Resources Manager who will work with you to begin the process. or by going directly to the ADA comment page at
19. Reasonable Modification
Requests for modifications of ATS Trans LLC policies, practices, or procedures to accommodate
an individual with a disability may be made either in advance or at the time of the transportation
service. ATS Trans LLC is best able to address and accommodate a request when customers
make their requests for before the trip. Contact ATS Trans LLC office customer service for
20. Direct Threat
If a person is violent, seriously disruptive, or engaging in illegal conduct ATS Trans LLC may,
consistent with established procedures for all riders, refuse to carry the passenger. A person who
poses a significant risk to others may be excluded [from service] if reasonable modifications to
the public accommodation’s policies, practices, or procedures will not eliminate that risk.
(49CFR 37.5 App. D/ 29 CFR 36.208)
Behaviors that may cause immediate exclusion from the system include:
▪ Destruction of public property (the vehicle, and/or its furnishings)
▪ Doing violence to others or to oneself
▪ Behavior that is seriously unruly, seriously disruptive, threatening, or frightening to others
▪ Behavior that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle
▪ Violations of service animal policy by failing to control one’s service animal
▪ Violations of operating rules governing the provision of transportation system-wide
▪ Engaging in illegal conduct.
▪ Other conduct judged by ATS Trans LLC to represent an actual or potential threat to
the health, safety or wellbeing of oneself, the operator, other passengers, and/or transit
Passengers who excluded from the system due to a direct threat have the ability to request an
administrative appeal by contacting ATS Trans LLC at (253) 858-7088
Updated 2/27/25